What, where and who?
The 2024 NSW Schools Mountain Bike Cross Country Championships will be held over 2 days on March 21 and 22. Primary students will race on the Thursday and secondary on the Friday.
The first day of racing is for primary aged students racing in u7, u9, u11 and u13 categories. Secondary Students who turn 12 in 2024 can enter the u13 event on Friday if they want to race in this age group for Series Points, otherwise, they can race in u15 on Friday.
The second day of racing is for Secondary Students racing in u15, u17 and u19 categories. Students will be racing for medals in both the cross country and Funduro.
School age students are all welcome to attend regardless of they type of school attending. This includes home schools, primary and secondary schools from Government, Catholic or Independent Schools. This event is part of the NSW School MTB Series and counts for 120% points in that series. Just like the rest of the series, this event will have both XCO racing like we have in the past and include a 3 stage Funduro running at the same time!
Please check the event schedule for an understanding of how this timing will work on this event format as you will want to be there for the whole day to give it a good go.
What is a Funduro?
A Funduro is an event made up of multiple stages / segments, where riders times through these segments are added together to determine overall times. Higher performing riders in these events usually have a higher level of skill as the tracks chosen are mostly down, with twisty, windy sections. To keep within the Funduro concept, tracks do avoid technical features, aren’t super steep and don’t have high speed sections. Riders will have set time when they can access each of the 3 tracks and have multiple attempts.
Online Entries
When entering online, you must choose between just racing XCO for $25 or joining in the Funduro fun for an additional $5.
Late fees will kick in 7 days before the event which incur a $10 fee. It is likely this event will sell out this year as it forms the Hunter School Team Champs for PSSA and HSSA and is also the CSSA State Championships.