Race start

  • Riders must start with one foot on the ground.


  • Riders will self seed for this event.
  • Riders will have 500-800m to get into position before the first singletrack.


  • Riders walking must move their bikes off the track and give way to riders.
  • Riders wishing to pass may communicate this desire by calling “track”. Calling this does not give the faster rider the right to overtake. The person in front is racing also. If you are racing on the same lap, you may not move to block a faster rider.
  • Riders being aggressive and impatient out on course will receive a caution or time penalty. Further issues may result in a disqualification

Feed zones / technical zones

  • Riders can take on fluid or nutrition anywhere on course.
  • Riders laps will not count unless they complete the full lap


  • Consider the distance to the rider in front when negotiating technical sections. Can you stop if they stop suddenly?
  • In the event of a crash, check to make sure the rider is OK and proceed to the next marshal and inform them of the crash and severity of the crash.


  • If you are unable to finish the race, please advise timing so that they know you are no longer on the track.

Course cutting

  • Riders found deliberately course cutting will be penalised. This could be a time penalty, or a disqualification determined by the race commissaire.


  • There are many random prizes available. You must be around to recieve a prize. There will be a prize giving ceremony for Primary Students where only Primary students have a chance of winning a prize and an additional ceremony for Secondary Students.

When not racing

  • Students not racing are not permitted to be on the track.

Clothing, shoes and helmets

  • Students must always wear an Australian Approved Cycling Helmet when on a bike.
  • Students must have closed toe footwear and covered shoulders


  • All bike must have 2 working brakes and be fitted with handlebar plugs.