Glenrock Race Information

What where who

The Hunter School MTB Championships is a 2 day event held on a date which is to be confirmed.

The first day of racing is for primary aged students racing in u9, u11 and u13 categories. Secondary Students who turn 12 in 2020 should enter the u13 event on this day if they are after National Series Points, otherwise, they can race in u15 on the Friday. On Thursday there is also an adults Tier 1 event in the evening from 3.45pm.
The second day of racing is for Secondary Students racing in u15, u17 and u19 aged students. Students will be racing for Mountain Bike Australia medals, National Cup Points and for a whole lot of fun.
Students are welcome from both primary and secondary schools and can be from Government, Catholic or Independent Schools.

Online Entries

Primary school entry can be found here: TBA

High School entry can be found here:TBA

Adults entry can be found here:TBA

Course map and description

The full course chosen provides a loop close to 4km, the primary school loop / Under 13 loop is just under 3km. There is a variety of trail with a combination of fireroad and both green and blue level trails.

The race will start near checkpoint number 5 however, the timing and race finish will beheld further up the fireroad and shown in the image.
From the start, riders will have 500m of firetrail to sort out positions before the single track of Double Barrel which has limited passing spots.

Under 9’s course

From double barrel u9’s will exit onto the fireroad and head left down to the start point before turning around and heading back up the Gun Club Road to the finish line. They will complete 4 laps of this course.
It is anticipate the U9’s winning time will be close to 20 minutes.

u9 map

Under 11’s and Under 13’s course

U11 and U13 will complete the U13 track. The notable technical feature of these tracks are the final dip of Twisties which has a 30-40cm drop on the approach. This is worth investigating before the event.
From Twisties, U11’s and U13’s will head straight across the fireroad after Twisties to Pump Action.

Under 11 will complete 2 laps with the aim of a winners time close to 25 minutes
Under 13 will complete 3 laps with the aim of a winners time close to 30 minutess

normal map

Under 15’s, U17, U19

Only the U15, U17, U19 and adults will head up hill for the longest climb in the course. There is overtaking here before the trail hits single track again on the way downhill to Pump Action. This downhill is fairly dry, dusty and loose however, is realively safe. Once at the first quarry of Pump Action there are a couple of options when approaching a short and sharpe climb. Throught the rest of Pump Action are several pinchy sections that require careful line selection.
Once Pump Action is finished riders will head across the track and head down towards the start of Siesmic. The U13’s riders will turn at the first approach to Siesmic while the rest of the older riders will negotiate a loose of camber corner and punchy climb with water bars before approaching Seismic.
Onces riders climb up the last part of Siesmic it is all fireroad back to the finish.

U15 boys will complete 4 laps with winners time expected to be around 45 minutes
U15 girls will complete 3 laps with the winners time expected to be around 40 minutes
U17 boys will complete 5 laps with a winners time expected to be around 50 minutes
U17 girls will complete 4 laps with a winners time expected to be around 50 minutes
U19 boys will complete 6 laps with a winners time expected to be around 60 minutes
U19 girls will complete 4 laps with a winners time expected to be aorund 50 minutes

normal map


Race start

  • Riders must start with one foot on the ground
  • Riders will be given a 1-minute notice before the race starts, then the race starter will say 15 seconds and anytime from now.


  • Riders will be seeded based on a balance beam challenge and will be allocated a sticker to determine their placement in the field
  • Riders will have 1.4km to get themselves into position before the first single track.

Lapped riders

  • Under 13 – Can not start a final lap after 30 minutes of racing
  • Under 15 – Can not start a final lap after 45 minutes of racing
  • Under 17 – Can not start a final lap after 60 minutes of racing
  • Under 19 – Can not start a final lap after 60 minutes of racing


  • Riders walking must move their bikes off the track and give way to riders
  • Riders wishing to pass may communicate this desire by calling “track”. Calling this does not give the faster rider the right to overtake. The person in front is racing also. If you are racing on the same lap, you may not move to block a faster rider.
  • If you are being lapped, you must pull over where safe for a faster rider to get through

Feed zones / technical zones

  • Riders can take on fluid or nutrition from the timing tent until the start of the single track into “Double Barrel”
  • Riders can swap out wheels during the event however, must finish on the same bike.


  • Consider the distance to the rider in front when negotiating technical sections. Can you stop if they stop suddenly?
  • In the event of a crash, check to make sure the rider is ok and proceed to the next marshal and inform them of the crash and severity of the crash.


  • If you are unable to finish the race, please advise timing so that they know you are no longer on the track.

Course cutting

  • Riders found deliberately course cutting will be penalised. This could be a time penalty, or a disqualification determined by the race commissaire.


  • The major prizes will be drawn during the final presentaton on Friday. Riders will not need to be there to win..

When not racing

  • Students must not be riding their bikes on the course (which is everywhere), they are welcome to walk around the track to spectate NO RIDING

Clothing, shoes and helmets

  • Students must always wear an Australian Approved Cycling Helmet when on a bike.
  • Students must have closed toe footwear and covered shoulders


  • All bike must have 2 working brakes and be fitted with handlebar plugs.


Sponsors will be allocated to presenting different categories here.

Goodies bag

Each entrant will get a goodies bag with:
– Gel
– Flyers
– Stickers
– Zip ties


TimeLocation Action   
6.30amGatesGates unlocked for toilets
6.30amGatesTrail marking team begin setup
9.00am RegistrationRegistration open
9.45amStartBriefing for u9’s
10.00amStartunder 9’s
10.30amStartBriefing for u11’s
10.45amStartunder 11’s
11.45pmRegistrationPresentation u9’s and u11’s
12.15pmStartBriefing u13’s
12.30pmStartUnder 13’s
1.30pmRegistrationBreifing for the Team Race
1.45pmStartTeam Race
2.30pmRegistrationPresentaton of u13 and Teams Event
3.00pmRegistraionAdult registration open
3.30pmStartElite, Expert and Masters 1-4
3.45pmStartAll other categories
5.30pmSitewideNight Race Finish and packup
TimeLocation Action   
8.30amTrackTrail marking team check marking
9.00am RegistrationRegistration open
9.45amStartBriefing for u15’s
10.00amStartUnder 15’s Start
10.45amStartBriefing for u17 and u19’s
11.00amStartUnder 19’s
11.02amStartUnder 17’s
12.30pm StartTeam Race Briefing
12.45pmStartTeam Race
1.30pmRegistrationPresentation of u17’s, u19’s and Teams Event
2.00pmSitewidePack up
4.00pmSitewideSite clean

Results – can be followed by the link :